Sunday 7 October 2012

The Best Nutrition Plan To Gain Muscle Mass

If you want to gain muscle and build up a strong muscular body you must include a good nutrition plan in your program. Working out hard and neglecting the nutritional needs of your body won't make you get any good bodybuilding results. When eating to gain muscle your aim should be to supply your body with the right amount of calories and the right nutrients it needs for building lean muscle mass.

Caloric Surplus

One fundamental requirement of a diet plan to gain muscle is making sure your body gets more calories (energy in food) than the amount you're burning through working out and other physical activities. There are different variables that'll affect exactly how much calories a person needs for gaining weight and building muscle, but the main point is you must be eating more calories than your body is using up.

Nutritious Foods

Another important factor of a muscle building diet that you must pay attention to is proper nutritional supply in correct proportions. You need protein, carbohydrates and some good fat to make up your muscle building diet.  In respect to proportion, your diet should comprise of approximately 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 20% fat. Protein and carbohydrates should be supplied to your body consistently in adequacy so your body can grow bigger.


The body uses carbohydrates for energy, and muscle cells are also filled with glycogen, which is the storage form of carbohydrate. You need to eat complex carbohydrates because they are slowly broken down into energy and used up by the body. Sources of complex carbohydrates include whole wheat flour products, brown rice, oats, quinoa and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates such as energy drinks, soda and fruit juices should not make up a large portion of your total carbs intake because they provide instantly usable energy that gets used up too quickly during exercise, and they also contain a very low nutritional value. These type of carbs are considered to be empty calories. The best time to consume simple carbohydrates is during or right after your workout.


Proteins are actually the building blocks of muscles. You need an adequate supply of protein to get bigger muscles. To build or repair tissue including that of muscle, the body needs all of the essential amino acids that comes from protein. That's the reason it's highly important to include sufficient protein in your diet to gain muscle. Some ideal protein foods to eat to gain muscle are Eggs, Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Cottage cheese, Yogurt, Milk and Protein Shakes milk


Fats should also be included in your diet for gaining muscle because the right fats helps in the production of testosterone and many other different biological functions in the body. There are good fats and bad fats, meaning that some fats are good for your body and others are not. The idea is to include some good fats which is the unsaturated fats in your muscle gaining diet to help in anabolic growth. Sources of good unsaturated fat include vegetable oils and cod-liver oil.

Eat Enough But Keep Fat Gain Under Control 

Finally, another factor that needs to be given attention when eating to gain muscle is avoiding gaining an excessive amount of fat. Why minimize fat gain? It's the goal of everyone who're into fitness to keep fat off their body including bodybuilders, because fat is unhealthy and it takes away muscle visibility or definition. It also takes a lot of effort and time to burn stored fat, so avoiding storing as much fat as you can is a win. The same calories that's so essential for building muscle mass can also be stored as fat if they're not used up enough after they're consumed. Again, quantity of required calories may vary based on each individual's specific condition. The ideal approach is to aim for an intake that's good enough to build quality muscle from your workout without much excess to be stored as fat. One basic step you can take to reduce fat gain is cutting back on calories when you're fattening up too much.

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